Independence is defined as not being controlled, not needing, not willing, not relying or influenced by a person or country.
Congratulations, as our country celebrate its 50th anniversary as a unified nation, the journey so far has been an interesting ride to greatness or weakness depending on your perspective of the nation’s challenges. A country which has the highest number of black educated and skillful people in the world, a nation which has been able to live together successfully not undermining that she has over 250 different tribes and highest number of Muslims in West Africa. Not forgetting that Nigeria has the best foot soldiers in the world, just to name but a few.
Indeed this is one of the greatest country in the history of black modernization, when compared to other countries like United States of America, Nigeria should be called the ninth wonder of the world.
In respect to this write-up, what does it mean to be truly independent? The writer focuses not on political independence of a country but of the individual functionality.
A person is said to be independent if he possess the totality of true freedom, which is physical, economical, psychological, emotional, religious and political independence. No government in the world can offer its citizens a true sense of independence.
Man is built to dominate and control its environment, leading to personal greed. Independence begins first with our spiritual convictions because a man is what he believes, our believe shape every aspect of independence.
Negativity brings lack of creativity, which is why Nigerians have had a hard time trying to create an atmosphere of prosperity. Prosperity is not a measure of monetary influence but by the state of the mind called contentment. Contentment is the pinnacle of true individual independence. A man who is contented find life more joyful, his thought pattern are always optimistic because he knows no matter what goes on around him, life is beautiful so long as there is always hope. Being truly independent depends on the state of mind in which an individual views a situation. We get our solution based on how we perceive a problem.
Being negative about the country’s affair does not change the situation; a positive attitude is highly needed. When USA was 75 there was gas queues all over the country, she could hardly feed its citizens, as at 2008 the USA has an unemployment rating of 8,924,000.00. Marriage survey has shown that one in every two marriage ends in divorce, currently one in every three children in America has one parent doing parole or serving terms. This is to show that no country in the world has the power to make an individual independent. We live life best when we know that it is what we do for our country that makes the difference.
Citizens of any country makes up the government, until we are able to live with the idea that our destiny is in our hands and life is what we make it out to be we will not achieve anything.
A person is said to be truly independent when he/she has learnt how to be contented and live for others.
Remember a mere heart is like medicine to the soul.
I believe that together as a team we will achieve our dream. Happy Independence.
Wise quotes
1. Contentment makes a poor man rich and a rich man poor – Benjamin Franklin
2. Problem is built for a man and a man is built to solve problem – Emibiojo Okoka
3. How we respond to problem, shows our state of mind – Emibiojo Okoka
4. Think what you can do for your country not what your country can do for you – J.F. Kennedy
Face book: Emibiojooka
Phone number: 07067178027, 08052550501
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