There is no doubt in my mind, that life is full of uncertainties, fear and anxiety. As men we can only look to strive in a world of confusion where nature is constantly at war with itself. We can achieve a balance of power in our minds. An old Negro song says, “we shall overcome someday”, that “someday is now”.
As we move into 2011 let’s have it in mind that it’s possible, it might not look, feel or sound like that but it is possible to achieve greatness and success. For in possibility comes great strength to forge on.
Life isn’t a burden to endure, but a journey to enjoy. Never let your mind, what people say, do or act make you feel unworthy to receive and give out greatness, in greatness you were conceived and greatness you will give in your journey into life. Do you realize that you are God’s greatness and masterpiece? Never before has there been someone like you.
Before you were many and after you there will be none, you are the “one” possessed with a magnificent strength of excellence to perform the task which has been set before you.
No one dead or alive has the power to stop or contain you, like yourself. So get up, stop all the thought of “ if I have this or that, I could have done something else or become better if only I have this or that”. Failure is not totally a bad experience if you use it as an advantage to achieve success in another area. I am not trying to be “cold” on you, I’m simply suggesting that you can’t keep staying on the same spot doing the same thing and wing over what people did or didn’t do to or for you. Get a grip of yourself and get started.
Stop making excuses, you might have had a bad childhood, that’s why you feel insecure and angry, you are not the only one who was abused as a child, so was television celebrity, Oprah Winfrey, but today with the help of God she is the richest woman on earth. She had to let go her pain to be able to walk on the pain of her destiny and bitterness. Fear and insecurity hampers progress, so let it go.
You may say I don’t know where it all started, read what Mark Twain said, the secret of getting ahead is getting started, the secret of getting started is breaking down your complex overwhelming task into small manageable tasks and starting on the first one. Start by asking yourself “who am I”? And what is my “destiny”? It takes a lifetime to figure out ones’ “destiny, but if you know who “you are” you will be more aware of life generally. A man with an identity crisis cannot comprehend his destiny.
The bible throws light on some characters in Act 19 : 14. The story is about the seven sons of Sceva, they were asked by the demon possessed man who they wanted to heal! All they needed to do was introduce themselves but because they had no idea who they were, they couldn’t, instead they said “in the name of Christ which Paul preached”. They used the identity of another person who had a different destiny and the result was tragic, so also is anybody who doesn’t have an idea of who he or she is.
That may not be your case, you may say I know who I am but I have made too many mistakes and I don’t think it is possible for me. Let’s take a look at that together. Take the batteries of your clock at home, look at it and you will find out that it will be correct at the same hour at am and pm. A broken down clock is correct twice a day, am and pm, even without batteries. If a broken down clock is correct twice a day, why do you feel you can’t? You are a masterpiece endowed with an imaginable brain to initiate creativity. A “god” on earth and an unstoppable mortal. Errors were made to correct you on your journey through pain, though it may be “as large as life itself” but you can never be totally wrong. Like Shake Spear puts it “Nothing is either right or wrong, thinking made it so”. Capitalize on all the things you do right in a day rather than the wrongs, it will help you fight over anxiety and fear.
It is possible you may say, I don’t just have the will, I tell you this. In sub – Sahara Africa where both “Mr. Lion and Mr. Gazelle” live, movement brings out the will to survive. Everyday Mr. Lion wakes up to feed on Mr. Gazelle, very easy you might say, but life is not easy, for every success takes time, calculations and chance. You see Mr. Gazelle runs faster than Mr. Lion. For Mr. Lion to be able to feed his pride he must out run the slowest Gazelle and for Mr. Gazelle to see another day it must out run the fastest Lion. To them it doesn’t matter who is the Lion or Gazelle, they just wake up trying to out-run each other. Life and success is all about survival of the fittest, it is either you get the best of life or life gets the best of you. Take a deep look on yourself, you will discover your will to move on and claim your place in the history book of champions.
Oh! You might say, “I have no one”, without a shadow of doubt in my mind, it is a cold world when you face it all alone, not knowing whom to call on in times of need. But I have good news for you, there is a man who said 2000 years ago that you can call on him and he will answer. He said, he will never leave nor forsake you. His name is Jesus Christ, ladies and gentlemen when life takes you through the shadow of failure and discouragement, through the stormy sea of uncertainty. He will be there in the darkest hour of betrayal and trials. He will be there and his words are always peace, with Him all things are possible.
I know all this you may say, but it’s too late I will start tomorrow, friends, this life will not last forever, so why don’t you start now and enjoy the unlimited breakthrough that the universe has to offer.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls as we round up the decade and begin another, let’s stand on the prophesy of current CAN President, Papa Ayo Oritsejafor who said in 2011 “it is possible”.
This life can’t last forever, so let’s begin now and act on possibilities, together as a team we will achieve our dreams.
This write-up is dedicated to all readers of Fresh Angle Monthly Tabloid. We couldn’t have done it without you. To us, you are “Bigger than life itself”. As we celebrate one year of community service through information dissemination the crew of Fresh Angle Newspaper wish you a Happy New year of possibilities.
Wise Quotes
When you learn to worship God with your faith, your speed will increase – Papa Ayo Oritsejafor
Year 2011 is a year of, it is possible – Papa Ayo Oritsejafor
The mind sees no limits, it is a well of possibility and creativity – Emibiojo Okoka
Through imagination we achieve our greatest desire – Emibiojo Okoka
Facebook: Emibiojo Okoka
Phone: 08052550501, 07067178027
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